Timberland (NYSE: TBL) (or more informally Timbs, Timbos or Timmies) is a trademark for a number of lines of outdoors wear, primarily boots, manufactured by The Timberland Mens Leisure. Its three key locations are in Stratham, New Hampshire; Danville, Kentucky; and Ontario, California.
Although their boots are designed for hiking and mountain climbing, they are popular as a primary element of fashion, originating from their popularity with African-American and Latin youths in New York City, New Jersey, and Connecticut areas. The Timberland Company also has many items for sale in the apparel market including watches, leather goods, eyeware and other goods.
In 2007, Timberland was named one of the hundred best companies to work for by CNN Money, and the best company to work for in the state of New Hampshire.
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