keskiviikko 20. heinäkuuta 2011

Chloe leading the fashion pack Antiques

We want to say Big Pack Bags to the folks at Inconvenient Bag for creating the custom, eco-friendly "Climate Love Pack" giveaway bags.
The Inconvenient Bag is a green company that believes that it's not just a bag, but it's a lifestyle. We all can do our part in making choices to live the eco-friendly lifestyle, or what we refer to as "The Inconvenient Lifestyle". Actually, reducing your own carbon footprint isn’t always inconvenient and usually saves money and energy.
The Inconvenient Bag is the bag you bring to the store, mall, market, etc. (everywhere) yourself. In other words, you inconvenience yourself by bringing your own bag for the sake of the environment so that you don’t have to use paper or plastic bags.

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